Happy Wednesday Budget Brides!!

I wanted to address to you all the reasons why I haven't been blogging within the last two months. My life has been through many ups and downs since March 13, 2009. This was the day that began the downturn of my life. I lost my job at a well known furniture and jewelry retailer who ended up going out of business. I know many of you would think well this was the perfect time to begin blogging with a passion. Well my passion of blogging, business and life in general began to decrease more and more. Now I have found myself a little over two months out of my original layoff date and still unemployed. Not only have I been unemployed for almost the last year but a very special person departed this Earth on November 20, 2009. I lost my friend, fighting partner and confidant in my grandmother Mrs. Lucille Wright. So life has just not been the same.
I know that many of you maybe wondering why I am sharing all of this. But I truly love and appreciate my readers. In not leaving you hanging, I just felt it was super important for all of you to know that I have not left or forgotten you. However, life does happen and sometimes it hits us a little harder than other. In saying all of this, I am pushing past all of my negative feelings and getting back to the old me. In 2010, The Budget Brides Handbook will begin a new beginning and we are looking to all of you for amazing support.
Thank you for taking the time to read my heartfelt note.......
Yours Truly,

I hope you're doing better! Take your time and come back to blogging when you feel like it.
Take your time. We'll be here. Hugs!
Sharise, I completely understand. It's been a rough year for all of us and having a grandmother in your corner can make a world of difference! There's nothing like Big Momma to get you through but remember she's always there and in a still quiet moment, you will hear her voice. I pray that you will have a fabulous 2010 girlfriend and we're here to support you!
Take your time. You are in my prayers
You should put Adsense on your blog to bring some income.
Hi! I'm glad that you are back. I lost my grandfather in May and my life has never been the same. It's a bit like a fog. You are in my thoughts and prayers and thank you so very much for sharing this. -Xochitl
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