Happy Monday Budget Brides!!
After visting some of my favorite websites, I stumble upon this little find. Wouldn't it be amazing to have amzaing fashions for your honeymoon that you created with a little help from Cythnia Rowley. I don't know about many of you but I hate to walk down the street and see a mirror image of myself. Well, Cynthia Rowley & Simplicity Patterns has come to rescue with cool patterns to help you create the perfect outfit. Pricing for all 4 patterns below is $16.95 is a great value since you have 4 styles per pattern. This find is simply amazing, I wish that I could sew so that I could start creating my one of a kinds. Below you can find 4 patterns from the Cynthia Rowley Collection.
*side note* The pricing of $16.95 is from the Simplicity website be sure to search around for a better deal.